Emmaus Europe


Regional assemblies of Emmaus Europe

Our general assembly, known as the regional assembly, is the highest authority within Emmaus Europe. It has all the necessary powers and competencies to achieve the goals set out for the movement in our Statutes, founding texts and in decisions taken by the General assembly of Emmaus International and by the Regional assembly of Emmaus Europe.

The assembly is always a great opportunity for our members to meet. It takes place every four years in a different location across Europe. It is also an important event in terms of our internal democracy as the European Emmaus groups come together to define the guidelines for our work for the next four years and to elect new board members for the region.

The last assembly took place from 28 to 31 October 2019 in San Sebastian, Spain: see the pictures.

See the “Introduction” section or the Statutes and Internal Rules of Emmaus Europe for additional information.

Bodies within Emmaus

No Profit on Pandemic!

Covid-19 vaccines have finally arrived, but not for everyone…

For individuals to be protected everyone needs to be protected from Covid-19. And yet multinational pharmaceutical companies are putting all of mankind at risk by restricting access to their research, by putting up barriers to more widespread production and by raising the prices of the vaccines. The development and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines should not be guided by financial interests but should focus on ensuring that the entire global population has equal access to this form of protection!

This is why Emmaus Europe and Emmaus International have supported the “No Profit on Pandemic” European Citizens’ Initiative. This ECI demands that the European Commission does everything in its power to make anti-pandemic vaccines and treatments a global public good that are freely accessible to everyone. The initiative needs a million signatures from European citizens in order to be successful – add yours to the tally now!


Sign the initiative here.


Everyone deserves protection from Covid-19!


What is an ECI?

EU citizens have the right to apply directly to the European Commission with a European Citizens’ Initiative in order to propose a concrete legislative amendment. For an initiative to be considered by the Commission, you need to get 1 million people from across the EU to sign it in support. You can find out more about this topic here.

Defending human rights / Migration  European Union News

The Humanitarian Crisis is Bosnia is Ongoing

The call for donations has been renewed by Emmaus Italy in order to support the thousands of homeless refugees and to open a day centre in Bosnia, where a humanitarian crisis persists.

The media interest in the situation of the refugees in the Una-Sana region of Bosnia has waned. After having visited the Lipa camp, near Bihac, it seemed that the motivation of Italy’s MEPs to encourage the European Parliament to take action was also fading. And yet the overall situation in the camp has not improved. Hundreds and hundreds of people still have no access to running water, electricity or decent toilets in the camp, forcing many of them to seek refuge in abandoned factories or in the woods. There is only one tent where the refugees can sit down in the warm and enjoy a meal.

The italian Emmaus movement is renewing the call for donations sent out in late 2020 – let’s take action to ensure that these people are not forgotten.

Bosnia Herzegovina Defending human rights / Migration  News

© FIS-Emmaus

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EAPN is the biggest European network of national, regional and local networks. It includes NGOs which fight against poverty, grassroots groups and European organisations that actively fight against poverty and social exclusion.

EAPN has 31 national networks and 13 European organisations as its members. Emmaus Europe became a member of EAPN in 2018.

