Emmaus Europe


The Romania Collective

The Romania collective unites the Emmaus groups from Romania and all other European groups who are interested in the development of the movement in this country are also invited to these meetings. The collective provides support to those who wish to launch new Emmaus groups in Romania.

This collective was initially created to organise the solidarity initiatives led amongst the three Romanian groups and with other European Emmaus groups (notably in France, Switzerland and the UK) who had strong ties to Emmaus in Romania. The collective has now become the main opportunity for the Romanian groups to meet and hold debates. Recently the collective supported the creation of a national organisation for Emmaus in Romania as well as discussing how to provide greater visibility to Emmaus’ struggles in the country.

Reports of the Meetings

You can find reports of the meetings of the Romania collective below. If you would like more information about a past or future meeting then please get in touch with the secretariat of Emmaus Europe.

The Geographical Collectives


The Poland-Ukraine Collective

The Poland-Ukraine collective covers the Emmaus groups from Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. All other European groups who are interested in the development of the movement in this region are also invited to these meetings.

This collective was initially created to provide support to new groups being created in Poland and Ukraine. Several groups, from various European countries, showed great commitment to helping these new groups. More recently the collective has allowed Emmaus to establish a presence in Georgia, Latvia and Lithuania and has helped further groups to be launched in Poland and Ukraine. The collective plays an important role in helping to structure the new groups being created in the region.

Reports of the Meetings

You can find reports of the meetings of the Poland-Ukraine collective below. If you would like more information about a past or future meeting then please get in touch with the secretariat of Emmaus Europe.

The Geographical Collectives

South-East Europe

The South-East Europe Collective

The south-east Europe collective, formerly known as the Bosnia collective, unites the Emmaus groups from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. All other European groups who are interested in the development of the movement in this region are also invited to these meetings. This collective works alongside other groups in the region and is open to working with any new groups that may be launched in the future in south-east Europe.

This collective was initially created to support the International Forum of Solidarity (IFS) group. Once IFS-Emmaus had become well established throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina the collective started to help other groups in the region who wished to join Emmaus, notably Nova Generacija (Bosnia-Herzegovina), the Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (CNZD, Croatia) and the Group for the Physically Disabled (TOMS, Croatia). These new groups have very innovative models and they focus on very specific topics such as providing support to children and to persons with disabilities.

The south-east Europe collective outlined three priorities for its work:

  • Organising solidarity and facilitating access to resources, in particular for new groups
  • Improving our internal and external communication in order to better showcase the initiatives led by the groups
  • Having a greater political impact

Reports of the Meetings

You can find reports of the meetings of the south-east Europe collective below. If you would like more information about a past or future meeting then please get in touch with the secretariat of Emmaus Europe.

The Geographical Collectives

Emmaus Bussières-et-Pruns, a welcome centre for asylum seekers

Let’s take a look at a different facet of our movement with the Bussières-et-Pruns group and their initiative to provide a dignified welcome to asylum seekers.

The group has been running a welcome centre for asylum seekers in a small village in Auvergne since 2004. This social centre, which receives government funding, has the following objectives:

  • Welcoming and housing asylum seekers during the administrative process
  • Offering administrative, social and medical support
  • Providing schooling for children at the centre
  • Organising socio-cultural activities
  • Supporting these people once the authorities have taken a decision on their request for asylum

The people living in this centre are all waiting to hear whether they will be recognised as refugees or not.

Originally an order of nuns donated the building to the Abbé Pierre Foundation which then loaned the premises to Emmaus Bussières-et-Pruns for free. It wasn’t easy at the beginning: they had to change the ideas of welcome and community amongst those living at the site to make it compatible with the Emmaus model, ensuring that all those who arrive at the centre, no matter their past or their future, can say “I was welcome at Emmaus Bussières-et-Pruns”. And this despite the fact that these people must leave the centre shortly after a decision has been taken by the authorities.

The group is currently hosting 100 people, it is at full capacity. Approximately 50 of these people live in the former convent in Bussières-et-Pruns whilst the others live nearby in flats in Aigueperse, Mozac, Riom and Ménétrol. The group welcomes both families and people who have travelled to France on their own: there are 70 adults and 30 children at the site at the moment. The group provides long term support, helping to prepare these people for their next step, whether they are granted asylum in France or not,

The team of 9 staff members and 30 volunteers work hard to create the best possible conditions so that these people can put together their request for asylum in an optimal environment. The group also helps these people to rebuild themselves as individuals and/or as families after sometimes highly traumatic experiences. They learn about French culture and customs within the group but they will also be involved in several activities.

Based on Emmaus’ values of solidarity and humanity the Bussières-et-Pruns group is proving, on a daily basis, that living together as a community, no matter whether you’re a local or you were born thousands of miles away, is not only possible but is actually a great experience for all involved.

Defending human rights / Migration  France News

© Emmaus Bussières-et-Pruns