Emmaus Europe

European Union

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European Union

Open letter: Unlocking the role of the social economy for a fair Green Transition

Over 80 leaders from international networks, NGOs, and national organisations from 18 European countries have joined their voices in an open letter.

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Circular economy / The environment 

European Union

Emmaus at the European Parliament

On 31st January, Emmaus Europe organised a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Abbé Pierre’s radio appeal. To mark the occasion, we took a piece of Emmaus straight to the heart of the European Parliament in Brussels, by recreating an Emmaus salon and setting up an exhibition on Abbé Pierre.

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Tackling Poverty / Solidarity


Arrivals in Lampedusa

Following the arrival of a record number of people on the move in Lampedusa, civil society, including Emmaus Europe, expresses in a statement its deep concern at the security response of European states, the crisis of reception, and reaffirms its solidarity with people on the move arriving in Europe.

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Defending human rights / Migration 

European Union

Local authorities and associations united for a welcoming Europe

On 15 June we presented a manifesto drafted by around 100 associations and local authorities who fight on a daily basis for a dignified welcome for exiled persons to European commissioners and MEPs in Strasbourg.

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Defending human rights / Migration