How does it work?
Every summer various camp events are organised by the Emmaus groups all across Europe. Aimed at young people over the age of 18, the idea behind these summer camps is to offer the participants a meaningful experience whilst allowing them to be involved in the day-to-day life of an Emmaus group for a period of at least a week.
Signing up to a summer camp means you are contributing to Emmaus’ work as well as being involved in the day-to-day life of the group. It means you are helping to tackle poverty and all of its causes but the camps are also a moment of sharing and socialising as well as representing an opportunity to live an alternative experience alongside people from various backgrounds and from all across the globe.
Practical Information
The dates, the duration, the activities and excursions offered all vary from one event to another but what all the camps have in common is that they allow the participants to learn about the values of our movement and to meet its members by getting involved in our work. No particular skills are required, these events are open to all and everyone can contribute in their own way.
The Emmaus groups cover any costs the participants may incur during the camp. Accommodation and meals are provided by the group. The costs of transport to/from the event are, however, to be covered by the participants.
Where do I sign?
To sign up for an event or to get in touch for more information about it, click on the summer camp which you are interested in and get in touch with the relevant contact person. The registration periods will vary from one camp to another but generally speaking registration opens at the end of April/early May.
If you would like more information on the summer camps get in touch with Emmanuel Rabourdin, our Solidarity Coordinator, at

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