Emmaus Europe


The Poland-Ukraine Collective

The Poland-Ukraine collective covers the Emmaus groups from Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. All other European groups who are interested in the development of the movement in this region are also invited to these meetings.

This collective was initially created to provide support to new groups being created in Poland and Ukraine. Several groups, from various European countries, showed great commitment to helping these new groups. More recently the collective has allowed Emmaus to establish a presence in Georgia, Latvia and Lithuania and has helped further groups to be launched in Poland and Ukraine. The collective plays an important role in helping to structure the new groups being created in the region.

Reports of the Meetings

You can find reports of the meetings of the Poland-Ukraine collective below. If you would like more information about a past or future meeting then please get in touch with the secretariat of Emmaus Europe.

The Geographical Collectives