Results :
European Union
Local authorities and associations united for a welcoming Europe
On 15 June we presented a manifesto drafted by around 100 associations and local authorities who fight on a daily basis for a dignified welcome for exiled persons to European commissioners and MEPs in Strasbourg.
Defending human rights / Migration
Emmaus Punto: fighting addiction
An interview with Richard, Honorary Chair of the Emmaus Punto group which is based in Bergisch Gladbach. Richard tells us about this German group’s experience and expertise on matters related to addiction.
Tackling Poverty / Solidarity
A childhood in care and then living on the streets: observations by Emmaus Satu Mare
In Romania an Emmaus community has been created specifically to help young people who are coming out of care institutions during the transition to adult life.
Tackling Poverty / Solidarity
Emmaus Solidarity, off the streets and back to life
We met with Lotfi Ouanezar, the director of one of the biggest Emmaus groups in France and which specialises in emergency welcome for people in street situations.