Emmaus Europe

European Union

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European Union


A campaign to abolish the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and end the EU border regime.

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Defending human rights / Migration 

European Union

No Profit on Pandemic!

Covid-19 vaccines have finally arrived, but not for everyone…

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Defending human rights / Migration 

European Union

European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan

The action plan sets out three headline targets – on the topics of employment, skills and social protection – to be achieved by 2030, with the main objective being the fight against poverty and social exclusion.

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Tackling Poverty / Solidarity

European Union

“COVID-19 Supercharging Poverty” | EAPN Poverty Watch 2020

The European Anti-Poverty Network, of which Emmaus Europe is a member, just launched their EU Poverty Watch 2020. The Poverty Watches start from the reality of people experiencing poverty and the perspectives of NGOs who work with them.

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Tackling Poverty / Solidarity