Emmaus Europe


Results :

Bosnia Herzegovina

A creamery is helping refugees to rebuild

The creamery was created in 2007 thanks to a partnership with the Italian Emmaus community of Villafranca. It currently employs 12 people and collects 2,000 litres of milk per day from small-scale local farms.

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Defending human rights / Migration 


Velüs: bikes just keep on giving

Cycling is, after walking, the most environmentally-friendly mode of transport. Emmaus Jura decided to use bikes as a means for creating a fairer, more equal society.

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Circular economy / The environment 


Emmaus in Poland

Emmaus has had a presence in Poland since 1996 and the movement now has 3 member groups in the country. The three Polish groups are all “classic” Emmaus communities which welcome people in and do the work of collecting, sorting, fixing and selling objects on at a low price.

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European Union


A campaign to abolish the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and end the EU border regime.

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Defending human rights / Migration 

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