Emmaus Europe


Results :


Emmaus Ruffec, solidarity mobility

Since 2009 Emmaus Ruffec has been leading an initiative to tackle a widespread issue, that of mobility. This group is based in a very rural area classified by the French government as a ‘rural area to be revitalised’ and where the unemployed and poor people suffer from mobility issues.

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Tackling Poverty / Solidarity

European Union

“COVID-19 Supercharging Poverty” | EAPN Poverty Watch 2020

The European Anti-Poverty Network, of which Emmaus Europe is a member, just launched their EU Poverty Watch 2020. The Poverty Watches start from the reality of people experiencing poverty and the perspectives of NGOs who work with them.

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Tackling Poverty / Solidarity


Emmaus in Germany

Extracts from an interview with Serena Lemmens, national delegate for Germany on the Regional Council of Emmaus Europe.

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The Repair and Reuse Workshops at Emmaus Åland

One of many activities at Emmaus Åland is the Repair and Reuse Workshop, where used clothes or new clothes that do not fit well get a new chance and a new life.  The idea behind this project is to offer people a social community and participation, primarily through group activities but also ongoing activities at Emmaus.

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Circular economy / The environment 

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