Emmaus Europe

General information

Regional assemblies of Emmaus Europe

Our general assembly, known as the regional assembly, is the highest authority within Emmaus Europe. It has all the necessary powers and competencies to achieve the goals set out for the movement in our Statutes, founding texts and in decisions taken by the General assembly of Emmaus International and by the Regional assembly of Emmaus Europe.

The assembly is always a great opportunity for our members to meet. It takes place every four years in a different location across Europe. It is also an important event in terms of our internal democracy as the European Emmaus groups come together to define the guidelines for our work for the next four years and to elect new board members for the region.

The last assembly took place from 28 to 31 October 2019 in San Sebastian, Spain: see the pictures.

See the “Introduction” section or the Statutes and Internal Rules of Emmaus Europe for additional information.

Related document

2023-2026 strategic plan

Reviews RAEE

2023 PPT


Strategic report 2020-2024

Reports RAEE

2019 RAEE

Minutes RAEE

2019 Statement migration

Statements RAEE

2015 RAEE

Minutes RAEE

Regional councils of Emmaus Europe

The board, known as the Regional Council, is in charge of creating the atmosphere, of monitoring and of checking what is done by all the other bodies of Emmaus Europe, including the regional executive committee, the executive body. The regional board meets twice per year and given that the general assembly only meets every four years it is the board which approves both the accounts and the annual activity reports.
The regional board is made up of:

  • The Chair of Emmaus Europe, a figure elected by the regional assembly
  • 12 Emmaus International board members who are members of both boards – the board of Emmaus Europe and the board of Emmaus International
  • One national delegate per country for all countries that have a national organisation

See the “Introduction” section or the Statutes and Internal Rules of Emmaus Europe for additional information.

Related document

Meeting on 27 October 2023

Minutes RCEE

Meeting on 28 August 2023

Minutes RCEE

Meeting on 6-8 March 2023

Minutes RCEE

Meeting on 20-22 October 2022

Minutes RCEE

Meeting on 21-23 April 2022

Minutes RCEE

Meeting on 24 February 2022

Minutes RCEE

The Regional Executive, Emmaus Europe’s executive body

The Regional Executive holds all the powers needed to manage the day-to-day business of Emmaus Europe based on a mandate given by the Regional Council. The Regional Executive reports to the Regional Council.

It meets as often as necessary and at least four times a year. It makes its decisions by absolute majority of the members present.

See the “Introduction” section or the Statutes and Internal Rules of Emmaus Europe for additional information.

Related document

Meeting on 26 September 2023

Minutes Regional Executive

Meeting on 17 February 2023

Minutes Regional Executive

Meeting on 19-29 June 2023

Minutes Regional Executive

Meeting on 24 April 2023

Minutes Regional Executive

Meeting on 9-10 December 2022

Minutes Regional Executive

Meeting on 22 September 2022

Minutes Regional Executive

Related document

Activity report 2022


Activity report 2021


Activity report 2020


Activity report 2019


Activity report 2018


Activity report 2017


Related document

Accounts 2023

Special Report 2023 (in French)

Accounts 2022 (in French)

Special Report 2022 (in French)

Accounts 2021 (in French)

Special Report 2021 (in French)

The annual contribution that each member group makes to Emmaus Europe is essential to the implementation of the initiatives voted upon by the movement at our assemblies and it also allows us to coordinate the movement on the regional level.

You can find the scale for the membership fees, voted upon at the 2015 regional assembly, in the call for membership fees below. The membership fees are the only source of income for Emmaus Europe.

Related document

2023 Call for membership fees

2021 call for membership fees

Related document

Trial membership handbook for applicant groups

Practical sheets Emmaus International

Related document

Universal Manifesto

Founding texts Emmaus International

Emmaus Europe logo

"Environmental justice" Poster 2018


Related document

Handbook for elected representatives

Practical sheets

Emmaus Europe Internal Rules

Founding texts

Emmaus Europe Statutes

Founding texts

Universal Manifesto

Founding texts Emmaus International

Statutes and Internal Rules EI

Founding texts Emmaus International

Trial & Full membership handbook for regional organisations

Practical sheets Emmaus International

Related document

Newsletter June 2024


Newsletter May 2024


Newsletter April 2024


Newsletter March 2024


Newsletter February 2024


Newsletter January 2024


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Newsletter December 2023


Newsletter November 2023


Newsletter October 2023


Newsletter September 2023


Newsletter June 2023


Newsletter May 2023


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Newsletter December 2022


Newsletter November 2022


Newsletter September 2022


Newsletter June 2022


Newsletter May 2022


Newsletter April 2022
